Senior Pix

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Great Lashes

Clumpy mascara does not make for pretty, separated lashes.  And most definitely does not make for a pretty picture.  Most brushes pick up more product then necessary for a single application.  So after you remove your brush from the tube, gently wipe the excess mascara off on a tissue.  That way you’ll wind up with lengthened lashes that look like eyelash extensions, not a spidery mess.  Once a mascara gets old it can cause major clumping issues too.  Plan ahead and get a fresh tube.  Did you know that curling your eyelashes can help make your eyes look bigger?  You may be afraid to use an eyelash curler, or maybe you don’t even own one.  Give it a try a week or so before your session, check out some tutorials and see what you think even just in a selfie.  Certain mascara will give you length while others offer thickness and volume.  Try using both to obtain long lashes with thickness and volume. 

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