
Be aware of facial hair

A neatly groomed face is imperative no matter what your style.  We recommend you shave the day of, or even just before you leave home for the studio.  Stubble will show and can be costly to remove.  Bring your electric razor if you want some pics with and without.  And don’t forget about neck hair!

To see a few past RJHS Seniors click on the “Regis Jesuit HS” above.


Lauren Olczak '18


Lauren's achievements include: Highest Honors every semester freshemen through junior year, Loyola Leadership Award, published in both Impressions and RJ Media magazines (freshemen/sophomore year), Varsity baseball head photographer (junior/senior year), National Honors Society (junior/senior year), Campus Ministy co-president, Gender Equality co-president, Kairos leader, self published author of two poetry books.


She has worked with Rowan Community Center, Ronald McDonald House, Cafe 180, Project Linus, Children's Hospital, and Swim for MS.  She wants to become a cardiothoracic surgeon.  Wow!